Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Flexibility at work

When I started working again this January, all I was told is that I'm starting off at 25 hours a week and that I can make that amount go up or down (between 20-40 hours/week) as I personally needed it to, which of course is awesome. But I never signed any document or contract or anything that said "we offer you this position for this amount of money working for this long", which is odd. So basically, I had no idea how long my internship was going to last for (I thought it would end in May). In the past few weeks my team has been interviewing candidates for a summer internship. I was worried about that, because I thought that they were going to hire me as their summer intern, like they did last year.

So at work today I confronted my boss and asked him how long my current internship is for. His response? "However long you want." I was like seriously O_o ? He told me that he felt he could pretty much convince his boss to continue letting me work there on this internship for however long I wanted to, especially since I've already signed my full-time offer to work there. Its just crazy (but in a good way).

Also this week I've bumped up my official load at work to 30 hours a week, partly because of money and partly because I was already starting to drift to working more than 25 hours a week. It means I have less time in the week for school work, but I honestly don't give a crap about school right now. Also my manager is mandating that I start attending a meeting on Monday mornings now (I have been working TWTh so far this year, and I have classes on M and F). I told him that it would be very difficult for me to make the meeting, so he forced the meeting to be pushed back half an hour earlier just for me. It makes attending my Mondays much more difficult, but whatever.


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